Hyperhealth Pro V3.0 Science Based Encyclopedia of Nutrition and Natural Health

Hyperhealth Pro V3.0 Science Based Encyclopedia of Nutrition and Natural Health

Publisher: In-Tele-Health
Number Of Pages:
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Manufacturer: In-Tele-Health
Studio: In-Tele-Health
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Product Description:

Hyperhealth now in it's TENTH Version! The World's Most Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Nutrition and Natural Health. If you have ever wished for an in-depth reference encyclopedia about foods, herbs, supplements, and natural therapies, Hyperhealth is the one! It is the world's first and most comprehensive encyclopedia of natural health on CD-ROM or print! Hyperhealth is to natural medicine what the Physician's Desk Reference is to conventional medicine. Emerging as the standard reference tool, it's fast, easy, and comprehensive. Hyperhealth combines an encyclopedia of natural medicine with the ability to add your own notes to each topic. With Hyperhealth, you'll spend more time using information, and less time searching for it. Researchers around the globe are discovering the beneficial effects of natural remedies and the role of nutritional supplementation in health care. Most health conditions being treated by medicine today are entirely preventable. Chronic degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and others have been clearly linked to diet and lifestyle. Now it has never been easier to learn about this scientific evidence for maintaining health. The same software used by professionals worldwide is available to natural health consumers. At last a comprehensive encyclopedia that translates the latest scientifically based natural health discoveries into language that you can understand and use. Hyperhealth is the fastest, easiest way to apply these breakthrough developments in nutrition and natural health. Within Hyperhealth's 25,000 pages you will discover and understand the ways nutrition, supplements, herbs and foods can treat and prevent thousands of different ailments and maintain or achieve optimal health. Hyperhealth is used by researchers, physicians and healthcare professionals worldwide.

Special noncompressed hlp format 130 Mb (+3 needed dll files); RAR size 29057650 bytes, MD5 DEEE6C630F6044070504BA110D54C20A

pass: tFHPH5.rar
Note from the producer page:
Platform: PC/Windows. Currently no Mac-compatible version available. Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows ME, Limited Vista support

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