Medical E Books Sites

Imaging of Carotid Artery Stenosis

Imaging of Carotid Artery Stenosis
Author: by Bernhard Schaller (Editor)

Product Details
pages: 273 pages
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3211323325
Format: PDF
Size: 7.64 MB
Amazon price: $259.00

Stroke is the third leading cause of death and carotid atherosclerosis is the leading cause of embolic stroke. In recent years, the need for a more detailed analysis of atherosclerotic plaques has been stressed. Information beyond the degree of narrowing of the vessel lumen seems to be desirable and there is considerable demand for diagnostic procedures that specifically identify rupture-prone, vulnerable plaques as the most frequent cause of sudden ischemic events.

This atlas is an up-to-date reference work on imaging in carotid artery stenosis written by internationally renewed experts. The authors take the reader step by step through illustrated descriptions of state-of-the-art imaging techniques that they have helped to develop, and demonstrate that these techniques are crucial in the management of patients. This book covers all facets of imaging in carotid artery stenosis and gives an outlook to future aspects. The "take-home-messages" at the end of each chapter are a quick help in daily practice.


MRI: Basic Principles And Applications

MRI: Basic Principles And Applications
Book Description
This new edition of the most accessible introduction to MRI principles and applications provides understandable yet comprehensive coverage including the latest developments in this fast paced field. It offers the only such concise overview of magnetic resonance physics, imaging techniques, hardware, and applications available. This Third Edition includes dozens of brand new images to support the text, as well as added discussions on 3D imaging, real time imaging, cardiac imaging, and parallel acquisition techniques. Clinical protocols have been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect current methodologies.

Product Details
* Paperback: 280 pages
* Publisher: Wiley-Liss; 3 Sub edition (September 8, 2003)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0471433101
* ISBN-13: 978-0471433101
* Format: PDF
* Size: 9.44 MB
* Price: $54.38

MRI Parameters And Positioning

An indispensable companion in the MR suite!
Magnetic resonance imaging is a modality that is carried out under highly standardized conditions. Without knowledge of proper patient positioning and setting of parameters on the MR scanner, the quality of resultant images cannot be optimized.
This book provides in easy-to-use form the general principles of patient positing in MR imaging, and the appropriate scanning parameters, as used most commonly in hospital departments and practice.
The text is organized in a manner that follows the chronological order of examination steps:
- preparation for the examination and materials needed;
- specifics as to patient positioning and choice of coils;
- protocols for carrying out the examination;
- examples of recommended MR imaging sequence parameters;
- tips and tricks
Besides the classic indications arising from neurological and orthopedic disorders, this book includes positioning information for the entire body and adjunct examinations, including MR angiography and MR cholangiography examinations.

2003 - 215 pp, 199 illustrations
ISBN-10: 1588901491 / 3131305819
ISBN-13: 9781588901491 / 9783131305817
PDF in RAR | 5 MB |


Handbook Of MRI Technique, Catherine Westbrook

by Catherine Westbrook

Book Description:
...updated with nearly 60% new material...considers new technologies and developments essential to good practice... in a new larger format and including over 100 images.

Book Info:
Handbook provides a step-by-step explanation of common examinations using magnetic resonance imaging. Section one contains reviews of theoretical and practical concepts and gives their definitions and uses. Section two provides instructions for examinations. Includes problem-solving exercises.

# Paperback: 438 pages
# Publisher: Blackwell Science; 2nd edition (September 15, 1999)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 0632052643
# Format: PDF
# Size: 20.9 MB
pass: LEKAR

pass: LEKAR


MRI In Practice, Blackwell Science

Book Info
Univ. of Oxford, U.K. Text, for radiographers, MRI technologists, and radiologists, relating magnetic theory to clinical practice. Halftone illustrations. Previous edition: c1993. DNLM: Magnetic Resonance Imaging--methods.

The second edition of MRI in Practice continues to provide a comprehensive introduction to MRI, describing the essential concepts in a clear and accessible style. The physics theory of MR is explained in detail, set out in an uncomplicated manner. The text has been thoroughly revised and updated with many new illustrations and images. Key topics including K Space and Echo Planar Imaging have been fully expanded to take account of current practice. Each chapter in the book retains the popular format presenting key points of the chapter. Learning points and a questions section help the reader to evaluate their understanding of the text. Advances in MR Techniques is a key new chapter which brings together advanced practice reflecting current developments. This chapter considers developing techniques including Functional Imaging, Perfusion, and Diffusion. This book is an essential text for all student and practicing radiographers, technologists and radiologists involved in MRI.


1 Basic Principles
2 Image Weighting and Contrast
3 Encoding and Image Formation
4 Parameters and Trade-offs
5 Pulse Sequences
6 Flow Phenomena
7 Artefacts and Their Compensation
8 Vascular and Cardiac Imaging
9 Instrumentation and Equipment
10 MRI Safety
11 Contrast Agents in MRI
12 Advanced Imaging Techniques
UK versus US Spelling
Further Reading
Answers to Questions

Product Details
Paperback: 326 pages
Publisher: Blackwell Science; 2nd edition (January 15, 1998)
ISBN: 0632042052
Product Dimensions: 9.7 x 7.5 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.70 pounds

Download link
Password: urdjncz8145


Atlas of Regional Anatomy of the Brain Using MRI: With Functional Correlations

Atlas of Regional Anatomy of the Brain Using MRI: With Functional Correlations
Author: J.C. Tamraz / Y. Comair

Product Details
pages: 330 pages
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540278761
Format: PDF
Size: 24.93 MB

The volume provides a unique review of the essential topographical anatomy of the brain from an MRI perspective, correlating high-quality anatomical plates with the corresponding high-resolution MRI images. The book includes a historical review of brain mapping and an analysis of the essential reference planes used for the study of the human brain. Subsequent chapters provide a detailed review of the sulcal and the gyral anatomy of the human cortex, guiding the reader through an interpretation of the individual brain atlas provided by high-resolution MRI. The relationship between brain structure and function is approached in a topographical fashion with analysis of the necessary imaging methodology and displayed anatomy. The central, perisylvian, mesial temporal and occipital areas receive special attention. Imaging of the core brain structures is included. An extensive coronal atlas concludes the book.


MRI Of The Heart And Vessels, Springer 2005

Book Description
In recent years magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has enriched the technological potential available for the characterization of cardiovascular pathologies, adding substantial advantages to other non-invasive techniques. This technique, which is intrinsically digital and has reduced operator dependency, allows the performance of image analysis in a quantitative and reproducible manner. The use of non-ionizing energy with the consequent absence of an environmental impact and of operator and patient biohazards makes MRI a winning technique when evaluating the risk benefit ratio in comparison to other imaging methods. In virtue of its added diagnostic value and inherent refinements that allow construction of two- and three-dimensional images, MRI is gaining a primary role in the histopathological and physiopathological understanding of a large number of pathologies concerning the heart and vessels. This text is addressed both to MRI operators seeking specific technical information and to clinicians who wish to have a better understanding of the diagnostic and management advantages that MRI can offer.

Product Details
* Hardcover: 378 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (April 13, 2005)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 8847003067
* Product Dimension
* Format: PDF
* Size: 11 MB
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Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine_March2005_Pediatric Trauma.rar

Type of file: File
Size: 3,333 KB
Publisher: drtameribrahim

General Surgery Textbook

General Surgery Textbook

Textbook of Hand Surgery

Textbook of Hand Surgery

Color Atlas of Genetics 3rd ED ::

Color Atlas of Genetics 3rd ED



Fundamentals Of Virtual Colonoscopy

Book Description
Virtual colonoscopy is a rapidly developing technique that promises to be safer, more economical, and less intrusive than conventional diagnostic tests for colon cancer. Despite the attention that virtual colonoscopy is receiving among medical professionals, many lack an understanding of the basics of this cutting-edge procedure. Renowned radiologist Dr. Abraham Dachman and a distinguished group of international contributors have prepared a fundamentals book that fills this void. This practical handbook fully explains the essentials of this state-of-the-art technique to radiologists, gastroenterologists, radiology residents, and technologists. Key topics include how to perform and interpret a virtual colonoscopic examination, accuracy, and radiation dose. Illustrations reinforce major concepts. The practical design and current content of this guide make it a frontrunner among CT colonography introductory texts.

Product Details
* Hardcover: 116 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 1 edition
* Language: English
* ISBN: 0387219129
* Format: PDF
* Size: 2.32 MB
* Price: $68.76
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Noninvasive Imaging of Myocardial Ischemia
Book Description
Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in the developed world. Despite advances and new developments in primary and secondary prevention, the prevalence of the disease and its complications remain high. Early detection has been shown to reduce significantly the risk of cardiac events such as myocardial infarction and death, while modern cardiology now provides specialists and general physicians with a variety of procedures for the assessment of IHD using noninvasive methods. This book reviews the currently available imaging techniques for the diagnosis and management of IHD. In addition, the role of cardiac imaging for the detection of viability and hibernation is discussed in detail. A series of highly illustrated cases is included on the CD-ROM to illustrate the applications and rationale behind the use of cardiac imaging for the evaluation of patients with IHD in different clinical scenarios.

About the Author
Dr C. D. Anagnostopoulos is working at the Royal Brompton Hospital, he is an ex-president of the British Nuclear Cardiology Society and Guest Editor to the HEART journal. Dr Nihoyannopoulos is Secretary of the European Working Group on Echocardiography and Deputy Editor of the Eur J Echocardiography. He is currently the head of the Echocardiography laboratories at Hammersmith Hospital. Professor Jeroen Bax (Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands). Professor Ernst Van der Wall (Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands) is an extremely influential name in cardiac imaging. He has written or edited numerous cardiac imaging books and is one of the most respected names in the field.

Product Details
* Hardcover: 320 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (April 25, 2006)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1846280273
* Format: PDF
* Size: 8.33 MB
* Price: $139.00


Imaging Of Orthopedic Sports Injuries

Book Description
This volume provides an updated review of imaging abnormalities in orthopedic sports injuries. The first part of the book contains background information on relevant basic science and general imaging principles in sports traumatology. The second part comprises a topographic discussion of sports injuries. Each chapter highlights the merit of different imaging techniques, focused on a specific clinical problem. In the third part, natural history, monitoring and follow-up by imaging are discussed. This well-illustrated book will be of value for musculoskeletal radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, sports physicians and everyone else involved in sports medicine.

Product Details
* Hardcover: 532 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 2006)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 3540260145
* ISBN-13: 978-3540260141
* Format: PDF
* Size: 20.2 MB
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* Price: $188.37

emergency Neuroradiology

Emergency Neuroradiology
by Tommaso Scarabino (Editor), Ugo Salvolini (Editor), Randy J. Jinkins (Editor)

Book Description
The book is directed at emergency radiologists and neuroradiologists. It aims at providing exhaustive information that will help the reader understand the clinical problems in the full range of neurological emergencies and to select the methodological and technical options that will ensure prompt and effective response and correct interpretation of the clinical findings. The various chapters address the most common neuroradiological emergencies, summarize their fundamental physiopathological features, describe the main semiological and differential diagnostic features, and provide operative suggestions for the selection of the appropriate techniques to be applied in a sequential order. The book addresses the application of state-of-the-art techniques and their implications for clinical practice (particularly the contributions of standard and functional MRI and of spiral and multislice CT). The illustrations provide not only training but also reference material for routine clinical work.

Product Details
* Hardcover: 410 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 15, 2005)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 3540296263
* Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 7.9 x 0.9 inches
* Format: PDF 18,9 MB

Paediatric Musculoskeletal Disease, David J. Wilson

Book Description
Ultrasound is a technique particularly suited to the investigation of disorders in children. It is painless, safe and non-threatening. There are significant strengths and weaknesses of its use in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders. This text describes the methods, findings and potential pitfalls of imaging where US is commonly used as the primary diagnostic method and where it is best as an adjunct to other imaging. The alternative imaging techniques including CT, MRI, scintigraphy, and plain radiography are described in detail where appropriate. The reader of this book should obtain a working knowledge of the potential advantages of US, whilst understanding when and where other forms of imaging are preferred. The authors have international reputations as researchers, clinicians, and teachers in their field.

Product Details
* Hardcover: 100 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (April 19, 2005)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 3540668284
* Format: PDF
* Size: 5.02 MB
* Price: $59.95
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Imaging Of Soft Tissue Tumors

Book Description
This richly illustrated book provides a comprehensive survey of the growing role of medical imaging studies in the detection, staging, grading, tissue characterization, and post-treatment follow-up of soft tissue tumors. For each tumor group, imaging findings are correlated with clinical, epidemiologic, and histologic data. The relative merits and indications of various imaging modalities are discussed and compared. Particular emphasis is placed on MRI because of its unique contrast resolution and multiplanar imaging capabilities. This third, revised and updated edition includes new chapters on genetics and molecular biology and on pathology of soft tissue tumors, with respect to the new World Health Organization (WHO) classification of soft tissue tumors. It aims to serve both as a systematic, descriptive textbook and as a rich pictorial database of soft tissue masses. The addition of numerous new illustrations of common and rare soft tissue tumors will further increase the scientific and educational value of this third edition.

Book Info
Univ. Hospital of Antwerp, Belgium. Provides radiologists with an updated reference, Includes new literature references and illustrations, new tables, and new chapters on soft tissue tumors in pediatric patients, and soft tissue lymphoma. Previous edition: c1997. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Product Details
* Hardcover: 498 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 3 edition (December 5, 2005)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 3540248099
* ISBN-13: 978-3540248095
* Format: PDF
* Size: 129 MB
* Price: $299.00 73.3 MB 60.2 MB
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Mettler: Essentials of Radiology, 2nd ed., 2005 Saunders

Mettler: Essentials of Radiology, 2nd ed., 2005 Saunders
560 pages
Saunders; 2 edition
ISBN: 0721605273
Format: PDF
Size: 18.1 MB

This best-selling radiology primer clearly explains the basic principles and clinical applications of plain film, CT, MRI, and nuclear medicine. Written in straightforward, accessible language and assuming no prior knowledge of radiology, it provides an ideal introduction to the field. The new edition reflects the all of the momentous recent changes in diagnostic imaging technology and applications, including the diagnosis of abdominal, pelvic, and retroperitoneal conditions. It also presents new coverage of the evaluation of headache, hypertension, and low back pain. Over 550 outstanding, beautifully reproduced digital images demonstrate every essential concept.
Describes the most common pathologic entities, plus rarer life-threatening conditions.
Uses more than 550 high-quality digital images to capture a wide range of normal imaging findings, common variants, and pathologic findings.
Written by a single masterful author who is skilled at explaining complex topics in an easy-to-understand manner.
Discusses recent advances in the diagnostic imaging of abdominal, pelvic, and retroperitoneal conditions.
Offers an increased emphasis on CT scanning, including helical CT.
Covers the latest developments in nuclear medicine, especially PET and the new hybrid CT/PET scanners.
Explores the radiologic evaluation of headache, hypertension, low back pain, and other challenging conditions.
Incorporates new material on screening for colon and lung cancer.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Head and Soft Tissue of the Neck
3. Chest
4. Breast Imaging
5. Cardiovascular System
6. Gastrointestinal System
7. Genitourinary System
8. Skeletal System
9. Nonskeletal Pediatric Imaging

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Enhancing the Role of Ultrasound with Contrast Agents

Enhancing the Role of Ultrasound with Contrast Agents
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Book Description
The introduction of microbubble contrast agents and the development of contrast-specific scanning techniques have opened new prospects in ultrasound. The advent of second-generation agents that enable real-time contrast-enhanced imaging has been instrumental in improving the acceptance and the reproducibility of examinations. Contrast ultrasound substantially improves detection and characterization of focal liver lesions with respect to baseline studies, and has already been introduced in international guidelines for the diagnosis of liver tumors. The role of contrast agents in vascular ultrasound is also established, and several new clinical applications are emerging. This book, written by the leading experts in the field, provides an up-to-date overview on the clinical value of contrast agents in ultrasound. The volume moves from a background section on technique and methodology to the main sections on the clinical application of contrast ultrasound in the liver and in vascular diseases. A final section discusses results and prospects of contrast ultrasound modality in the other fields.

Product Details
* Hardcover: 252 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (May 11, 2006)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 8847004756
* ISBN-13: 978-8847004757
* Format: PDF
* Size: 27.9 MB
* Price: $179.00

Advanced Imaging Of The Abdomen

Book Description
Advanced Imaging of the Abdomen bridges the interface between the referring clinician and radiologist on the unusual clinical presentation or imaging finding and explores imaging approaches to solve a particular problem. Emphasis is given to choice of imaging procedures, expected diagnostic yield, discussion of pertinent imaging findings and possible differential diagnosis. Aimed at the clinician-radiologist interface, as a guide for both, it also provides the practicing radiologist with a reference for the unusual or unique imaging finding in the abdomen. The book includes extensive lists, tables and illustrations comprising ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance images, scintigraphy and other imaging modalities. This book is invaluable to the clinician (internist, gastroenterologist, general surgeon, urologist and related specialist) looking for guidance on an up-to-date imaging modality and any discussion with a radiologist in order to arrive at a proposed imaging approach.

Product Details
* Hardcover: 1086 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (February 16, 2006)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1852339926
* ISBN-13: 978-1852339920
* Format: PDF
* Size: 21.2 MB
* Price: $399.00
pass: FE33-09LHR$32

pass: FE33-09LHR$32

Imaging of the Shoulder: Techniques and Applications (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic

Book Description
This volume covers the broad spectrum of imaging methods and abnormalities of relevance in the diagnostic workup of the shoulder. In the first part of the book, individual chapters are devoted to radiography, arthrography, computed tomography and CT arthrography, magnetic resonance imaging and MR arthrography, ultrasound and interventional procedures. Controversies regarding the use of the different imaging techniques are explained and discussed. The second part of the book then documents the application of these techniques to each of the clinical problems and diseases encountered in the shoulder. The authors are all experts in their field and include rising stars of musculoskeletal radiology. This well-illustrated book will assist the general and the musculoskeletal radiologist in planning, guiding and interpreting imaging studies. For the clinician it puts into perspective the role of the different imaging methods.

Book Info
Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham, UK. Covers the broad spectrum of imaging methods and abnormalities involved with the shoulder. Discusses radiography, arthrography, computed tomography, CT arthrography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and more. DNLM: Shoulder--radiography. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Product Details
* Paperback: 334 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 20, 2005)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 3540262482
* ISBN-13: 978-3540262480
* Format: PDF
* Size: 11.6 MB
* Price: $96.60
pass: GFDF34-G34$-0I8-FD

pass: GFDF34-G34$-0I8-FD

Dynamic Radiology of the Abdomen: Normal and Pathologic Anatomy

Book Description
Meyers' Dynamic Radiology of the Abdomen, extensively revised and updated, is the classic text covering radiology of the abdomen as it relates to the progression of disease within an organ and from one organ to another. The book provides a systematic application of anatomic and dynamic principles to the practical understanding and diagnosis of intraabdominal disease. The full range of imaging modalities is addressed, from plain films and conventional contrast studies to CT, US, MRI and endoscopic ultrasonography. Highly selected, ample images including CT and MRI support the thoroughly descriptive text. Expanded references, citing both the classic and recent contributions, and a detailed cross-referenced index are presented. For radiologists, general surgeons, gastroenterologists, and others seeking insight into the clinical practice of radiology, this text continues to be the gold standard in the field.

Book Info
State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook. A dynamic text relating to radiologic aspects of abdominal disease. Six chapters added and others updated and enlarged. Expanded by more than 180 pages and over 500 illustrations. A color atlas details anatomic significance. References and index. For surgeons and radiologists. Previous edition: c1996. DNLM: Abdomen--anatomy and histology.

Product Details
* Hardcover: 772 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 5 edition (April 20, 2000)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0387988459
* ISBN-13: 978-0387988450
* Format: PDF
* Size: 328 MB
* Price: $217.56 95.7 MB 95.7 MB 95.7 MB 51.4 MB
pass: FD56:.9D-JDKS02-KD9#keD*X

Ultrasound: Ultrasound (Thieme Clinical Companions)

Ultrasound: Ultrasound (Thieme Clinical Companions)
* Publisher: Thieme Medical Pub
* Number Of Pages: 477
* Publication Date: 2006-12-20
* Sales Rank: 1331864
* ISBN / ASIN: 1588905527
* EAN: 9781588905529
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer: Thieme Medical Pub
* Studio: Thieme Medical Pub


Gray Part: Basic Principles

1 Basic Physical and Technical Principles
2 The Ultrasound Examination
3 Documentation and Reporting
4 Function Studies
5 Interventional Ultrasound

Green Part: Ultrasound Investigation of
Specific Signs and Symptoms

6 Principal Signs and Symptoms
6.1 Upper Abdominal Pain
6.2 Lower Abdominal Pain
6.3 Diffuse Abdominal Pain
6.4 Diarrhea and Constipation
6.5 Unexplained Fever
6.6 Palpable Masses
6.7 Enlarged Lymph Nodes
6.8 Edema
6.9 Renal Insufficiencie and Acute Renal Failure
6.10 Jaundice
6.11 Hepatosplenomegaly
6.12 Ascites
6.13 Joint Pain and Swelling
6.14 Goiter, Hyper- and Hypothyroidism

Blue Part: Ultrasonography of Specific Organs
and Organ Systems, Postoperative Ultrasound,
and the Search for Occult Tumors

7 Arteries and Veins
8 Cervical Vessels
9 Liver
10 Kidney and Adrenal Gland
11 Pancreas
12 Spleen
13 Bile Ducts
14 Gallbladder
15 Gastrointestinal Tract
16 Urogenital Tract
17 Thorax
18 Thyroid Gland
19 Major Salivary Glands
20 Postoperative Ultrasound
21 Search for Occult Tumors
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file size: RAR = 22,08 MB / PDF = 41,78 MB

Interventional Radiology in Cancer

Interventional Radiology in Cancer
# Hardcover: 300 pages
# Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (January 12, 2004)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 3540418733
# ISBN-13: 978-3540418733
# Book Format: Compiled EXE
# Size: 3.81mb

Pass: winz

Ultrasound For Surgeons (vademecum)

Book Description
This pocket-sized handbook describes techniques for performing focused assessment by sonography in trauma situations and other applications in the ICU, operation room, and office. Topics of the 15 contributions include abdominal aortic aneurysm screening, surveillance of deep vein thrombosis, insertion of central catheters, transcranial Doppler, treatment of fluid collections, intraoperative ultrasound of an organ, and breast biopsy. Numerous b&w sonograms are provided.

Product Details
# Publisher: Landes Bioscience; 1st edition (December 15, 2001)
# Language: English
# ISBN: 1570595976
# Price: $45.00
# Format: PDF
# Size: 3.97 MB

Basic Radiology

Basic Radiology
(LANGE Clinical Science)
by Michael Y. Chen, Thomas L. Pope, David J. Ott

Book Description
A concise overview of current radiologic imaging for radiology residents. The only extensively illustrated book that presents a problem-oriented review of the most common disease states in their radiologic presentation. Features a unique problem-solving approach using question-oriented exercises in each chapter.

From the Back Cover
The perfect primer for anyone looking to sharpen their imaging skills!

Helps medical students, residents, and non-specialist clinicians to build confidence, skills and knowledge -- also an ideal memory refresher for radiologists!

Completely revised and expanded, BASIC RADIOLOGY, 2E educates you on the essentials of diagnostic test selection, application, and interpretation. This handy tutorial combines an organ-based, problem-oriented approach with over 750 high-quality images across all modalities -- everything from conventional radiography to nuclear imaging, ultrasonography, CT, MRI, PET, and SPECT. In addition, self-test questions and clinical case presentations help to further hone your diagnostic skills.

*Organ-based, problem-oriented review of the radiologic presentation of the most common disease states
*Features over 750 high-quality images across all modalities, including PET and SPECT
*Advises on technique selection and how to properly order imaging exams on the basis of clinical presentation, patient preparation (if applicable), and potential conflicts between techniques
*Diagnostic imaging exercises and case studies help to illustrate important nuances for accurate diagnosis
*Includes a review of normal radiographic anatomy for each organ system
*Provides a convenient synopsis of current imaging techniques and basic physics principles
*Suggested Readings included throughout

Paperback: 544 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical; 1 edition (March 5, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN: 0071410260
Shipping Weight: 1.83 pounds

New Techniques in Oncologic Imaging

New Techniques in Oncologic Imaging
by Anwar R. Padhani

New Techniques in Oncologic Imaging analyzes recent developments concerning every available imaging technique-furnishing the most up-to-date research on technological advances in cancer imaging and their potential impact on patient care and treatment.


Compares the strengths and limitations of available oncologic imaging technologies
Provides an overview of the current status and mechanisms of each technology discussed in the text
Offers a variety of chapters from respected authorities from around the world
Illustrates the impact of new imaging modalities on cancer staging and treatment planning


Advances in Mature Imaging Technologies
Advances in CT
Advances in MRI
Advances in Ultrasound
Contrast Media Developments
MR Lymphography
Image Processing
Radiotherapy Planning
New Imaging Technologies
PET in Oncology
PET Advances
Nuclear Medicine (Non-PET)
MRS in Oncology
Dynamic MRI
Perfusion CT
BOLD Imaging of Tumors
Promising "New Breed" Technologies
PK/PD Imaging. Molecular Imaging
Diffusion Imaging in Tumors
Electron Spin Resonance
Optical Imaging


Password:- Lekar

Paediatric Radiography

Book Info
Univ. of Bradford, UK. Explores radiographic practice within the context of the modern health service and focuses on how knowledge and understanding of pediatric growth, development and illness can inform and influence radiographic procedures. Includes detailed techniques, practice models, and radiation protection. Includes more than 150 radiographs. Softcover.

Product Details
* Paperback: 211 pages
* Publisher: Blackwell Science (August 2003)
* ISBN: 0632056312
* Format: PDF
* Size: 3.88 MB
* Price: $61.98
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Imaging for Students

Imaging for Students
Author: David A. Lisle

Product Details
pages: 272 pages
Publisher: A Hodder Arnold Publication
ISBN: 0340762314
Format: Scanned in PDF
Size: 24MB
Credit: gekab76
Although medical students are not often formally examined in medical imaging, they need to develop the skill of interpreting images and scans used in clinical work. This book opens with a description of radiological modalities (including ultrasound, CT, MRI, and nuclear imaging), giving a brief summary of their physical basis and highlighting their advantages, disadvantages, and limitations. The bulk of the book is made up of chapters describing the use of radiology in common clinical situations, system by system. All images and diagrams have been carefully selected to highlight key teaching issues. Written in a didactic and user-friendly style with large, high-quality images and explanatory captions, the book provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of diagnostic and interventional imaging. This new expanded edition--while covering all new developments in radiology and their applications in clinical medicine--concentrates on the basics that all medical students should know.



Imaging of Orbital and Visual Pathway Pathology

Imaging of Orbital and Visual Pathway Pathology
Including Clinical, Neuroophthalmological and Pathological Basis
by Wibke S. Muller-Forell, W. S. Muller-Forell (Editor), W. S. MÙller-Forell (Editor)
ISBN: 3540633022
Pub. Date: January 2002

Book Review

Imaging of Orbital and Visual Pathway Pathology is a multiauthored neuroradiologic text that combines a rigorous, though accessible, general background of visual system physiology and imaging with subsequent sections focusing on more specialized topics in optical system pathology, including pediatric, orbital, and intracranial disease. It is well organized and includes reviews of these closely related areas for specialists who would otherwise need to consult scattered, brief discussions in major texts or specialized reports in the literature. The authors wrote this book largely for ophthalmologists, neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, and neurologists. Although the author uses surprisingly accessible language, it is not written for the general radiologist.

The book is divided into two main parts, with a total of seven chapters written by eight experts from Germany and Switzerland. There is a helpful index, a list of anatomic structures, and a list of acronyms. The general part is divided into chapters on state-of-the-art imaging methods, anatomy, neuro-ophthalmology, and functional imaging of the visual system. The special part discusses highly specialized topics, including optic pathway disease in children, orbital disease, and intracranial disease.

Despite the multiple authors, there is remarkable cohesion and minimal repetition in the text. Difficult topics are covered thoroughly. It is well referenced and up-to-date. Each chapter contains logical subsections, making this book easy to search. The text is printed on high-quality paper and is copiously illustrated. The quality of the figures and tables is consistently high. Indeed, this book is a rich imaging resource with numerous, often strikingly attractive and clear diagrams and figures. These include a multitude of well-marked magnetic resonance (MR) images, MR angiograms, computed tomographic scans, ultrasonographic scans, and even some associated histologic slides.

The book is divided into two parts. The general part competently and thoroughly covers the topics of imaging methods, anatomy, and physiology in respectively devoted chapters. Anatomy and physiology are covered logically from orbit to association cortex. The introductory chapter on functional MR imaging was particularly concise and helpful. An additional section discussing the future direction of functional imaging as a general radiologic, clinical, or presurgical tool might also be helpful. This text purposely does not cover imaging physics.

The special part of the book, which is exhaustive though well written, is devoted to diseases in the optic system. It contains numerous case details and radiologic descriptions, which make the book often engrossingeven for those who are not subspecialists. Since extra attention is given to pediatric optic pathway disease, a section on geriatric conditions seemed lacking.

There are few comparable texts that exclusively concentrate on the anatomy, physiology, and pathologic conditions of the entire visual system. The detail provided on these topics is far in excess of that typically given in standard texts. It is clearly written, detailed, and replete with beautiful diagrams and interesting illustrative cases and images. The cost of the book is comparable to that of other texts of this length and quality.

I recommend this text as a wonderful resource for its target audience of specialist clinicians. It is also useful for any medical professionals who must quickly familiarize themselves with fine points of imaging of visual system disease, but do not require more than a brief introduction to imaging methods.

Reviewed by James E. Swain, MD, PhD


Password : Lekar

Clinical Radiology Made Ridiculously Simple (MedMaster Series 2002 Edition)

Clinical Radiology Made Ridiculously Simple (MedMaster Series 2002 Edition)
by Hugue Ouellette, Patrice Tetreault

Product Details
Paperback: 110 pages
Publisher: Medmaster;(2002)
ISBN: 0940780410
Book Description
A clear, concise view, with mnemonics, of the most important information for the nonradiologist in interpreting x-rays. The Basics, the Chest Radiograph, Abdominal Radiograph, Intravenous Pyelogram, Cervical Spine, Axial Skeleton, Limbs, Non-traumatic Skeletal Radiology, CT Scan of the Head.
Book Info
Review designed to teach the clinically vital components of radiology. Includes a discussion of radiographic examinations interpreted by medical students and interns, intravenous pyelogram, and computed tomography. Each chapter is subdivided into Radiography Anatomy, Approach and Specific Problem sections. Softcover.





Textbook of Radiology and Imaging

Textbook of Radiology and Imaging
David Sutton 7 th ed

Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Second Part
Publication Date: 2002-11-07
Sales Rank: 1069019
ISBN / ASIN: 0443071098

Reference on the scientific basis and clinical practice of radiology, this new edition has been thoroughly revised and up-dated with the latest technologies and modalities in the field. The book is organized by body system and incorporates an integrated, multi-modality approach to radiological diagnosis. The emphasis in on the clinical effectiveness of contemporary imaging practice. The text is supported with abundant high-quality illustrations.

This link contents only
Chapters 14 to 28

Congenital heart disease -
Arteriography and interventional angiography
The Lympatic System
The Gastrointestinal Tract and Abdomen -
the salivary glands, pharynx and esophagus -
The stomach and duodenum -
The small intestine -
The colon -
The acute abdomen:
Abdominal trauma -
The biliary tract -
The liver and spleen -
The pancreas -
The adrenal glands
Paedriatric abdomen


Psychology Basics (Magill's Choice)

Psychology Basics (Magill's Choice)

Publication Date: 2004-12
Sales Rank: 1236935
ISBN / ASIN: 1587651998
EAN: 9781587651991
Binding: Library Binding

The first edition of Psychology Basics (1998) has been a popular, accessible, and affordable source of information about important theories and issues in this dynamic field. This revised edition is drawn from the 4-volume Magill's Encyclopedia of Social Science: Psychology (2003), which was named a 2004 Outstanding Reference Source by RUSA. Psychology Basics, Revised features approximately 125 essays, one-third of which are new. The remaining two-thirds have the same or similar titles but were either newly commissioned for the revision of the larger encyclopedia or feature updated text - bringing them in line with the most recent edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV-TR (2000). "Sources for Further Study" sections offer the latest editions and scholarship. Additions to the Revised Edition include new top matter, tailored subheadings guiding readers through the text, photographs, helpful lists of diagnostic criteria from the DSM-IV-TR, and a Biographical List of Psychologists, with brief profiles of major figures in the field, both past and present.

Psychology Basics, Revised Edition supersedes the previous Psychology Basics and should prove to be even more valuable. Arranged in an A-Z format, Psychology Basics, Revised Edition highlights theories and concepts in the following areas: aging; childhood and adolescence; cognition; conditioning; consciousness; depression; development; diagnosis; emotions; experimentation; intelligence; language; learning; memory; methodology; motivation; origin/definition of psychology; personality; psychobiology; psychopathology; psychotherapy; sensation and perception; ***uality; social psychology; stress; thought; treatments; Entries range from 4-8 pages and begin with standard information: "Type of psychology"; "Fields of study"; Abstract defining the subject and summarizing its importance; "Key concepts" listing 5-10 important issues discussed; Each article offers a clear discussion of its topic. An entry on a mental illness addresses its cause, diagnosis, treatment, and impact. An entry on a theory or school examines its origin, history, and current status.

Descriptive subheadings divide the text, all terminology is explained, and context is provided to make the information accessible to general readers.

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Handbook of Immunohistochemistry and in situ Hybridization of Human

Handbook of Immunohistochemistry and in situ Hybridization of Human

  • Publisher: Academic Press

  • Number Of Pages: 480

  • Publication Date: 2005-08-17

  • Sales Rank: 2322751

  • ISBN / ASIN: 0120884046

  • EAN: 9780120884049

  • Binding: Hardcover

  • Manufacturer: Academic Press

  • Studio: Academic Press

  • Average Rating:

  • Total Reviews:

Book Description:
Immunohistochemistry is the use of specific antibodies to stain particular molecular species in situ. This technique has allowed the identification of many more cell types than could be visualized by classical histology, particularly in the immune system and among the scattered hormone-secreting cells of the endocrine system, and has the potential to improve diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic options of cancer.

This book discusses all aspects of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization technologies and the important role they play in reaching a cancer diagnosis. It provides step-by-step instructions on the methods of additional molecular technologies such as DNA microarrays, and microdissection, along with the benefits and limitations of each method. The topics of region-specific gene expression, its role in cancer development and the techniques that assist in the understanding of the molecular basis of disease are relevant and necessary in science today.

* The only book available that translates molecular genetics into cancer diagnosis
* The results of each Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization method are presented in the form of color illustrations
* Methods discussed were either developed or refined by expert contributors in their own laboratories


Microorganisms and Bioterrorism

Microorganisms and Bioterrorism

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 240
Publication Date: 2006-01-04
Sales Rank: 1658203
ISBN / ASIN: 0387281568
EAN: 9780387281568
Binding: Hardcover Book Description:

The purpose of this book is to bring together, in a single volume, the most up-to-date information concerning microbes with potential as bioterrorist weapons. The primary audience includes microbiologists, including bacteriologists, virologists and mycologists, in academia, government laboratories and research institutes at the forefront of studies concerning microbes which have potential as bioterrorist weapons, public health physicians and researchers and scientists who must be trained to deal with bioterrorist attacks as well as laboratory investigators who must identify and characterize these microorganisms from the environment and from possibly infected patients.

Rubella Viruses, Volume 15

Rubella Viruses, Volume 15

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 138
Publication Date: 2007-03-28
Sales Rank:
ISBN / ASIN: 0444506349
EAN: 9780444506344
Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:

This latest volume provides a comprehensive review of the latest developments and research studies on the pathogenesis and molecular biology of human congenital infections. It reviews current diagnostic techniques and epidemiological data while describing the progress in research and understanding of continuing prevention of congenital infections and prognosis.

Virtual Screening in Drug Discovery

Virtual Screening in Drug Discovery

Publisher: CRC
Number Of Pages: 496
Publication Date: 2005-03-24
Sales Rank: 630705
ISBN / ASIN: 0824754794
EAN: 9780824754792
Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:
With millions of compounds available for screening and thousands of gene products as potential targets for therapeutic intervention, high-throughput screening (HTS) requires extensive libraries and automated screening systems to discover adequate leads for drug development. This can become expensive, and in recent years has proven minimally effective. Virtual screening uses computational tools to identify biologically active molecules against specific targets. By pre-qualifying compounds for testing, this method reduces costs and increases hit rates by eliminating the need for robotics, reagent acquisition or production, and compound storage facilities. This text explores the algorithms involved and their uses in virtual screening.

Handbook of Toxicogenomics: Strategies and Applications

Handbook of Toxicogenomics: Strategies and Applications

Publisher: Wiley
Number Of Pages: 705
Publication Date: 2005-03-25
Sales Rank: 1955834
ISBN / ASIN: 3527303421
EAN: 9783527303427
Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:

Toxicogenomics is a new, dynamic and very promising field that can help optimize toxicity analyses and streamline research into active substances. It is of interest not only for basic research and development, but also from a legal and ethical perspective. Here, experts from all the fields mentioned will find solid information provided by an international team of experienced authors. With its approach as an interdisciplinary overview, it will prove particularly useful for all those needing to develop appropriate research strategies.

The authors work for major research institutions, such as the Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (Germany), the German Cancer Research Center, the National Institute of Environmental Health Science (USA), the National Institute of Health Science (Japan) or for companies like Affymetrix, Altana Pharma, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bruker, Merck, Nimblegen, Novartis, and Syngenta. Coverage ranges from the technology platforms applied, including DNA arrays or proteomics, via the bioinformatics tools required, right up to applications of toxicogenomics presented in numerous case studies, while also including an overview of national programs and initiatives as well as regulatory perspectives.

Walter Rosenthal, Director of the Research Institute for Molecular Pharmacology in Berlin, praises the book thus: "I would like to congratulate the publishers of this handbook, one that deals with a extremely hot topic. They have succeeded in gaining as authors leading representatives from this field. The Handbook impressively shows how modern genomic research is leading to rapid advances and new insights within toxicology."

Handbook of ATPases: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Pathophysiology

Handbook of ATPases: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Pathophysiology

Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 493
Publication Date: 2004-09-03
Sales Rank: 1596055
ISBN / ASIN: 3527306897
EAN: 9783527306893
Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:

As the first comprehensive overview of this important class of enzymes, this two-volume handbook summarizes recent knowledge about the molecular mechanism of ATPases, relating this information to the physiology and pathopyhsiology of ion transport, mitochondrial function, vesicle transport and lysosomal acidification. All important P-type, F-type and V-type ATPases are treated systematically, complemented by a special section on the cell biology and physiology of acidic compartments, and backed by an extensive bibliography and index.

This premier reference source for physiologists, molecular biologists, biophysicists and clinical researchers contains contributions by more than 20 of the world's foremost ATPase research groups.

Antigen Presenting Cells: From Mechanisms to Drug Development

Antigen Presenting Cells: From Mechanisms to Drug Development

Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 651
Publication Date: 2005-12-06
Sales Rank: 1733642
ISBN / ASIN: 3527311084
EAN: 9783527311088
Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:

This novel, multidisciplinary handbook highlights recent evidence that antigen presenting cells (APCs) are not only key players in the initiation or prevention of an antigen-specific T lymphocyte-mediated adaptive immune response, but also critical regulators and integrators in the interplay between our innate and adaptive immune system.
Structured in a clear way to allow access to a very broad readership, the book is written from the viewpoint of a biochemist, immunologist, and scientist with experience in drug development. It covers all cell types involved in antigen presentation, providing the latest immunological facts with a focus on drug development.
Backed by a glossary explaining all important technical terms, this short but comprehensive reference covers basic introductory aspects right up to details for advanced specialists.

The Evolution from Protein Chemistry to Proteomics: Basic Science to Clinical Applica

The Evolution from Protein Chemistry to Proteomics: Basic Science to Clinical Application

Publisher: CRC
Number Of Pages: 312
Publication Date: 2005-10-14
Sales Rank: 1786197
ISBN / ASIN: 0849396786
EAN: 9780849396786
Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:
Written by a recognized expert, this brilliant work describes the application of chemical modification of proteins to proteomic research, as well as sample preparation, sample prefractionation, analytical technologies, and validation issues in proteomic research. It merges current proteomics concepts into established solution protein chemistry concepts. The author gives particular emphasis to the process by which a biomarker can be identified, validated, and developed into a diagnostic analyte that is useful in clinical applications. According to Proteomics, Lundblad resurrects "the rigorous chemistry literature of the 1950's and 60's, on which most of our present-day knowledge is based."

Chemoinformatics in Drug Discovery

Chemoinformatics in Drug Discovery

Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 515
Publication Date: 2005-05-06
Sales Rank: 894159
ISBN / ASIN: 3527307532
EAN: 9783527307531
Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:

This handbook provides the first-ever inside view of today's integrated approach to rational drug design. Chemoinformatics experts from large pharmaceutical companies, as well as from chemoinformatics service providers and from academia demonstrate what can be achieved today by harnessing the power of computational methods for the drug discovery process.

With the user rather than the developer of chemoinformatics software in mind, this book describes the successful application of computational tools to real-life problems and presents solution strategies to commonly encountered problems. It shows how almost every step of the drug discovery pipeline can be optimized and accelerated by using chemoinformatics toolsfrom the management of compound databases to targeted combinatorial synthesis, virtual screening and efficient hit-to-lead transition.

An invaluable resource for drug developers and medicinal chemists in academia
and industry.

Cell Culture Technology for Pharmaceutical and Cell-Based Therapies

Cell Culture Technology for Pharmaceutical and Cell-Based Therapies

Publisher: CRC
Number Of Pages: 776
Publication Date: 2005-08-30
Sales Rank: 191598
ISBN / ASIN: 0824753348
EAN: 9780824753344
Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:

This reference presents a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in cell culture technology. The book describes manipulations and the genetic engineering of cells for the production of biotechnology products, tissue engineering, and cell-based therapies. Each expertly written chapter covers research, principles, and equipment currently affecting advances in the discovery of genes, host cell selection, cloning and gene amplification, bioreactor design, protein purification, optimization and scale-up, product quality, and facility design--showcasing the importance of genomic and cell-based technologies in the pharmaceutical industry.

G Protein-Coupled Receptors as Drug Targets

G Protein-Coupled Receptors as Drug Targets: Analysis of Activation and Constitutive Activity

Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 304
Publication Date: 2006-01-09
Sales Rank: 488335
ISBN / ASIN: 3527308199
EAN: 9783527308194
Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:

With its particular emphasis on the constitutive activity of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)s, this book comprehensively discusses an important biological process that has not yet been covered in such depth in any other existing books on GPCRs. The international team of highly distinguished authors addresses in detail current models and concepts, to introduce medicinal chemists, physiologists, pharmacologists, and medical researchers into the advances in the understanding of GPCR activation and constitutive activity. In addition, the book provides an overview on methods of investigating constitutive GPCR activity. The text is well illustrated by selected experimental data and schemes._The chaptes are all cross-referenced with each other and cover general mechnisms, methodological approaches and cover selected important GPCR sysstems, the consequences for drug action, including, side effects, and rational drug design for GPCR targets. A highly recommended reference for researchers in academia and industry.

authors addresses in detail current models and concepts, so as to introduce pharmaceutical chemists, physiologists and medical researchers to the advances in the understanding of GPCR activation and constitutive activity, and provides an overview of the methods of investigating GPCR activity. The text is backed by abundant case studies and methodological advice for analyzing GPCRs, covering selected pharmacologically relevant GPCR systems, the consequences for drug action, including unwanted side effects, and rational drug design for GPCR targets.
A highly practical reference for researchers in academia and industry.

DNA Repair in Cancer Therapy

DNA Repair in Cancer Therapy

Publisher: Humana Press
Number Of Pages: 376
Publication Date: 2004-03-19
Sales Rank: 104544
ISBN / ASIN: 1588292983
EAN: 9781588292988
Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:

A comprehensive review of the recent developments in DNA repair that have potential for translational and clinical applications. The authors explain in detail the various mechanisms by which cancer cells can circumvent anticancer therapy and limits its usefulness in patients. They also review the clinical impact of such novel inhibitors of DNA repair mechanisms as methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase. Also examined are inhibitors of other DNA repair enzymes such as PARP and DNA-PK, now under development and close to clinical trials. The book captures-for both cancer researchers and practicing oncologists dealing with hallmark "relapse" or "drug resistance" phenomena on a daily basis-the many exciting new uses of DNA repair inhibitors, either alone or in combination with anticancer therapies.

Clinical Trials in Osteoporosis

Clinical Trials in Osteoporosis

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 272
Publication Date: 2007-03
Sales Rank: 2440983
ISBN / ASIN: 1846283892
EAN: 9781846283895
Binding: Paperback
Book Description:
This second revised edition of Multislice CT provides a comprehensive overview of the clinical application of this exciting technique, following the introduction of the newest generation of multi-detector row CT scanners. An initial section considers technical aspects and issues, including those relating to radiation dose and use of contrast material. Thereafter the focus is on the diagnostic applications of multislice CT in each of the most important anatomical regions. Examinations of the abdomen, head and neck, brain, chest, and blood vessels are individually described and illustrated, due attention being paid to the special scanner settings necessary in each case. Practical guidelines to the performance of a successful investigation are provided, and each chapter also reviews the most recently published literature. This comprehensive book will be an invaluable asset to radiologists at all levels.

Autoantibodies and Autoimmunity: Molecular Mechanisms in Health and Disease

Autoantibodies and Autoimmunity: Molecular Mechanisms in Health and Disease

Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 633
Publication Date: 2006-03-10
Sales Rank: 1731765
ISBN / ASIN: 3527311416
EAN: 9783527311415
Binding: Hardcover Book Description:

This is the first book to address all aspects of the biology of autoantibodies in a single volume, including a discussion of immunology, experimental models, clinical aspects, and the use of autoantibodies as probes in molecular and cellular biology.
The editor, currently professor at the W.M. Keck Autoimmune Disease Center of The Scripps Research Institute, has assembled an all-star team of authors to report on the latest research, technologies, and applications. Following an introductory chapter, the book goes on to cover such topics as cellular mechanisms of autoantibody production, clinical and diagnostic usefulness in human disease, and animal models used to study the elicitation of autoantibodies. The whole is rounded off with a look at future perspectives.
With its comprehensive coverage, this volume will appeal not only to immunologists and clinicians but also to cell and molecular biologists.

Sutureless anastomoses: Secrets for success

Sutureless anastomoses: Secrets for success

By P. Tozzi

Publisher: Steinkopff-Verlag Darmstadt
Number Of Pages: 140
Publication Date: 2007-01
Sales Rank:
ISBN / ASIN: 3798517142
EAN: 9783798517141
Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:

The suture technique for vascular anastomosis construction is becoming inadequate to meet new surgeons demands and surgeons need an alternative way to construct a bypass in order to reduce the technical demand and standardise the quality of the surgical procedure.

This book is dedicated to surgeons, students, biomedical engineers and researchers with a special interest in vascular anastomosis and bypass techniques that want to update their knowledge concerning the major determinants of anastomosis outcome and all the existing alternatives to the suture technique. The author discloses the secrets and pitfalls of new sutureless anastomotic devices.

Protein Misfolding, Aggregation and Conformational Diseases

Protein Misfolding, Aggregation and Conformational Diseases

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 564
Publication Date: 2007-02-21
Sales Rank: 2910087
ISBN / ASIN: 038736529X
EAN: 9780387365299
Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
The second volume continues to fill the gap in protein review and protocal literature while summarizing recent achievements in the understanding of the relationships between protein misfoldings, aggregation, and development of protein deposition disorders. The focus of Part B is the molecular basis of differential disorders


Handbooks of Pediatric Ophthalmology

Handbook of Pediatric Retinal Disease

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 494
Publication Date: 2006-06-13
Sales Rank: 822283
ISBN / ASIN: 0387279326
EAN: 9780387279329
Binding: Paperback
Book Description:
Based on Dr. Wrights classic major reference, Handbook of Pediatric Retinal Disease outlines the latest findings in diagnosing retinal disorders in children's and the best available treatment options. Distilling the essentials of these somewhat uncommon discorders and diseases into a portable, complete and authorative pocket reference, this handbook offers a complete picture of how to best treat pediatric patients. Specifically, the introductory chapters on the specifics of pediatric ophthalmology (embryology, post-natal development and the pediatric exam) will help newcomers to pediatric practice fully grasp the subtle differences in pediatric care. The chapters are written by leading experts in the field and are presented in a user-friendly format, relying on heavily illustrated in color plates, clincally helpful tables, charts, and decision-making guidelines. This approach will enable the practitioner (whether specialist or generalist) to make the most accurate diagnosis and choose the most effective treatment option.

Perioperative and Critical Care Medicine

Perioperative and Critical Care Medicine
Educational Issues 2005

Publisher Springer Milan
DOI 10.1007/88-470-0417-9
Copyright 2006
ISBN 978-88-470-0416-0 (Print) 978-88-470-0417-7 (Online)
SpringerLink Date Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Subject : Medicine & Public Health, Intensive / Critical Care Medicine, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine and Medicine

Book Description
The mission of health operators and hospitals is nowadays patient satisfaction, which is to be achieved through the provision of high-quality medical care and the training of graduates and postgraduates with the highest level of proficiency, integrity and skill. This book offers a broad panorama of recent progress in the fields of perioperative medicine, critical care and end-of-life care, thus contributing to achieving these aims in the fields of anesthesia and critical care.

Continuing medical education and specialty training procedures represent highly dynamical processes, with a continuously evolving content. The specific teaching methods available (micro-teaching, team teaching, mastery learning, simulation, and e-learning) are essential elements of this process to promote professional updating and teaching at the bedside, aimed at providing an excellent clinical practice. The didactic laboratory is the core of this process: teachers, students and the School must be able to integrate in order to encourage this trend, and following this trend, the Trieste School of Medicine has long recognised the importance of supporting educational aspects and teaching programmes that promote our discipline. This volume is the result of the co-operation of the Trieste School of Medicine with experts at a national and international level who, in 2005, took part in seminars or micro-teaching sessions held at the Cattinara University Hospital.



PW: lekar